Nomadular Homes, New York
HMA2 with GSDESIGNNY have designed a next generation, cost effective, modern, modular housing concept. Utilizing current manufacturing and installation technologies, the design respectively reflects aspirations of today— accessible home ownership, connected to natural settings and neighbors, in a compact, flexible, comfortable, energy efficient shelter. Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s organic Usonia home & community design for 48 homes realized over 70 years ago on a 100 acre site in Pleasantville, NY.
The images here depict a prototype in process to be built on an actual site in New York State. Three modules, with sloped roofs, each 25’ x 10’ and 25’ x 15’ can be arranged in many ways to suit specific site qualities such as terrain, views, tree cover.
The target audience ranges from first time home buyers to empty nesters, to multi-generational family member, all who want to be part of and to participate in community activities and gatherings, that a collection of these homes can embrace and imbue.